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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

But at this time of year, where they
really want to be is on land

lt's just getting there
that's tricky

lt's spring and the penguins
are returning to breed

Their need to get ashore is now
urgent and imperative

Doing so is all a matter of timing
- and picking the right wave

But their journey has
only just begun

Most of them will have to walk many miles
before they can find a nest site

This is Zavodovski lsland, which has the
largest penguin colony in the world

About two million chinstraps
breed here

- and they come to this island
for a good reason

lt's an active volcano

The heat from the crater
and the fumeroles

keeps the slopes free from
the ice and snow,

allowing these chinstraps to start
breeding earlier than those further south

But then again, living on an active
volcano is not without its risks

Unlike the emperors, these penguins are
able to lay their eggs on the bare ground

Little wonder so many
of them choose to brave

the mountainous waves
in order to get here

Further south, near the continent,

the blanket of sea ice
is beginning to break up

lcebergs are gigantic fragments
of ice that have broken away

into the sea from the
front of glaciers

During the winter they
were frozen into the sea ice,

but now they are set
adrift once more

As the bergs break up,
they form brash ice

lt litters the backwaters
of the Antarctic Peninsula

Minke whales make their way into
these placid waters in summer

This is the most abundant whale
in the Southern Ocean

Minkes are one of the smallest
of all the baleen whales

And like all others,
they come here to feed

The majestic humpback whales
are also summer visitors


abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产 {gk cet4 ky toefl gre :6223}

volcano [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ] n. 火山 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6321}

tricky [ˈtrɪki] adj. 狡猾的;机警的 { :6391}

litters [ˈlitəz] n. (旧时抬要人的)轿( litter的名词复数 ); 杂乱; 废弃物; 一窝 v. 使杂乱( litter的第三人称单数 ); 乱丢杂物; 乱扔; 使饱含 { :6500}

crater [ˈkreɪtə(r)] n. 火山口;弹坑 vt. 在…上形成坑;取消;毁坏 vi. 形成坑;消亡 {toefl ielts gre :6886}

ashore [əˈʃɔ:(r)] adj. 在岸上的;在陆上的 adv. 在岸上;向岸 {cet6 ky :7699}

peninsula [pəˈnɪnsjələ] n. 半岛 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :7750}

gigantic [dʒaɪˈgæntɪk] adj. 巨大的,庞大的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :7783}

glaciers [ɡ'læsɪəz] n. [地理][水文] 冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文] 冰河 { :7875}

imperative [ɪmˈperətɪv] n. 必要的事;命令;需要;规则;[语]祈使语气 adj. 必要的,不可避免的;紧急的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8360}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

penguins [ˈpeŋɡwinz] n. [鸟] 企鹅(penguin的复数) { :10209}

penguin [ˈpeŋgwɪn] n. 企鹅;空军地勤人员 { :10209}

majestic [məˈdʒestɪk] adj. 庄严的;宏伟的 {toefl ielts gre :10534}

antarctic [ænt'ɑ:ktik] adj.南极的, 南极地带的 {gk cet6 ielts gre :10763}

mountainous [ˈmaʊntənəs] adj. 多山的;巨大的;山一般的 {gk cet6 gre :12342}

placid [ˈplæsɪd] adj. 平静的;温和的;沉着的 {toefl ielts gre :12548}

brash [bræʃ] n. 骤雨;碎片;胃灼热 n. (Brash)人名;(英)布拉什 adj. 无礼的,傲慢的;仓促的,性急的 {gre :13535}

adrift [əˈdrɪft] adj. 漂泊的;漂浮着的 adv. 随波逐流地;漂浮着 { :13865}

backwaters [ˈbækwɔ:təz] n. 死水( backwater的名词复数 ); 滞水; 闭塞的地方; 不受外界事件或新思想影响的地方 { :15628}

bergs [ ] (berg 的复数) n. 冰山 { :16972}

humpback [ˈhʌmpbæk] n. 驼背;座头鲸 { :21537}

minkes [ ] (minke 的复数) 小须鲸 { :29922}

minke [ ] n. 小须鲸 n. (Minke)人名;(德、塞)明克 { :29922}

chinstraps ['tʃɪn.stræp] [网络] 南极企鹅;带企鹅;帽带企鹅 { :43085}

baleen [bə'li:n] n. 鲸须 { :45697}

active volcano [ ] un. 活火山 [网络] 是活火山;活动火山

Antarctic Peninsula [ ] [网络] 南极半岛;南极半岛巡游;天南极半岛

baleen whale [bəˈli:n hweil] n. 【动】须鲸 [网络] 须鲸亚目;长须鲸;须鲸类

baleen whales [ ] n. 【动】须鲸 [网络] 须鲸亚目;长须鲸;齿鲸

brash ice [ ] 碎冰

get ashore [ ] un. 登陆;上岸

humpback (whale) [ ] 大鳍鲸

humpback whale [ˈhʌmpbæk hweil] n. 【动】座头鲸 [网络] 驼背鲸;大翅鲸;驼背鲸鱼

humpback whales [ ] n. 【动】座头鲸 [网络] 驼背鲸;头驼背鲸;鲸鱼

minke whale [ˈmɪŋki:] [网络] 小须鲸;明克鲸;鲸鱼

Minke Whales [ ] 《英文msh词典》Minke Whales [入口词] Minke Whales [主题词] Whales [英文释义] Large marine mammals of the order Cetacea. In the past,they were commercially valued for whale oil,for their flesh as human food and in animal feed and fertilizer,and for baleen. The sperm whale produces AMBERGRIS,an intestinal secretion u

set adrift [ ] na. 使(船)随风飘流 [网络] 使某物随波漂流;使随风漂流

the antarctic [æn'tɑ:ktɪk] n. 南极地区 [网络] 南极洲;南极区;北极地区

the berg [ ] [网络] 冰山;博格

to breed [ ] 配种

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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